Stakeholders and Community Partners
The OLES has developed close partnerships with a variety of stakeholders and community partners including disability advocacy groups, regional centers, patient and resident family support groups and the legislature. The OLES regularly consults with our stakeholders and community partners to obtain valuable insight and information that helps OLES advance its mission to protect the rights and security of the vulnerable populations at DSH and DDS facilities. In addition to the patients and residents of the California state hospitals and developmental centers, OLES stakeholders and community partners include but are not limited to the following:
Association of Regional Center Agencies
California Association of Psychiatric Technicians
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
California Department of Developmental Services
California Department of State Hospitals
California Highway Patrol
California Office of Patients’ Rights
California Office of the Inspector General
California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
Disability Rights California
DSH-Napa’s Family & Friends Support Group
Fairview Family and Friends
Parent Hospital Association
Treatment Advocacy Center
Union of American Physicians and Dentists
The OLES shares these contacts for informational purposes only. The sharing of this information does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of the material, websites or organizations.